Mindful about the seasons: Winter Solstice Blessing

Mindful about the seasons: Winter

Becoming mindful about the seasons this winter is a wonderful way to start practicing mindfulness with your little one(s). It is also an opportunity to discuss the meaning of Nature’s cycles. With slightly older children, we can even venture into stories and metaphor!

Winter Solstice Blessing for becoming mindful about Winter

Now is the time to honour the rebirth of the sun, to remember the light in the darkest part of the season with hope of good things to come, and the promise of a renewed life.

Things to think about:

  • What might be happening beneath the soil during wintertime?
  • Why do some trees lose their leaves in winter?
  • The clever plans that animals and birds make to survive the cold season.
  • Some of your favourite things about winter.
  • How does the cold weather make you feel?

You may also enjoy listening to this winter meditation on Insight Timer!

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