Sleepy Fantine Fox printable coloring page with fairy babies collage

The Fantine Fox printable coloring page offers a little something extra: I've also included an extra collage page so that you can add the Fairy Babies sleeping next to Fantine!
Once you have stuck the fairy babies down with Fantine's tail curled over them, you will have a picture with a lovely three-dimensional effect! And let me tell you a little secret: This way of combining a photo with a picture is very similar to how I create some of the pictures for my stories!
Here's how it works:
First you need to colour the picture of Fantine sleeping on her own.
To add the collage elements to the picture, you will cut out the Fairy Babies on the guiding lines provided in the picture. You will also need to cut out and color Fantine's tail.
You then stick the Fairy Babies into position on Fantine's body (on the picture that you've already coloured in). The loose tail get's pasted over the sleeping Fairy Babies and viola! It will look as if Fantine has curled her bushy tail around the three sleeping Fairy Babies!